Half of 2020 (and more) has already gone by, and while it may have felt like a decade at times, I’m still having trouble grasping that we are almost in July now.
It has been wild and strange. Yet, on the blog it’s been really quiet, except for the ModestMillionaires is 3 Years Old! post.
Through the last months writing has not been a priority because I’ve been focusing on other stuff.
Things like:
- having our kids home on a full-time basis for 105 days while still working (not that anyone is counting, right?),
- starting to coach more and more clients with their finances, work from home negotiations or with mini-retirement plans,
- reading more anti-racism resources (click here for a great Montreal / Quebec specific resource) and making plans to keep on educating myself to support the Black Lives Matter movement,
- building a garden,
- chilling in a kiddie pool with our kids in our yard,
- and so much more.
Yet, through it all, I’ve missed that writing consistency I had reached in 2019. Missing it has had the ironic effect of making me feel stuck whenever I returned to get ready to craft a blog post.
One thing that has often helped me when I’m not making progress is to lower the scope of my goals. I’m going to give this a try and simply aim for shorter posts on a consistent basis.
Considering the turmoil of the last few months, perhaps you’ve encountered similar roadblocks with some of your big ambitious goals. Reflecting on a way to pivot and adjust the goal to focus on a simpler process can help you keep making progress in small continuous steps.
By the time we are ready to dedicate more time and focus to our goals, perhaps we will already have built solid habits and be all that much closer to those objectives already.
How have you been keeping up with your own objectives through this crazy year?
P.s: Since the blog is heading in a more semi-anonymous direction, I’m starting up a newsletter on a regulary-ish basis for some more personal content.
Subscribe here to get all of that good Newsletter stuff!
P.p.s: I was recently on the Find Your Freedom Podcast to chat about making a formal proposal to work from home permanently and about increasing our freedom on the path to FI.
Listen here: Find Your Freedom Podcast Episode 22